Thursday 13 October 2011

1001 Movies: The reasoning.

I have decided to 'educate' myself in films. I do consider myself a cinephile. I love watching films, invest a considerable amount of time and money watching them and I talk about them a lot.

I used to consider myself well-versed, but I'm not. Well not to the extent I wish to be, where you actually know the references Mark Kermode makes on the 5live film review show.

 I've also recently subscribed to the Filmspotting podcast. It's a more cinephillic audio blog from Chicago radio where they discuss films of the past as well as from the modern day. The presenters are educating themselves, often setting marathon tasks like watching and discussing the movies of a particular director. It gave me inspiration and I'm going one step further.

A couple of years ago I received a book for my birthday. '1001 movies you must see before you die.' Cheery. I don't plan on dying soon, but I do plan on working my way through this book. It covers 1902 - 2008 and it's a fairly mixed bag. I've decided to tackle them alphabetically as this is how the checklist is made out at the start. I figure it would mix things up a bit rather than watching chronologically and it also means I don't have to start with a load of silent flicks.  I have seen a number of them already, but will re watch for the purposes of the task.  It will also dissuade me from the current wave of terrible fare my local multiplex has to offer. 'Films you must see before you die' does ring of promise and I doubt they will be in 3D!

By the time I'm done, I'll be a proper film wanker! Best get on with it...

First up, 12 Angry Men.


  1. I found this list (or some other one like it) on the internet. The one I was checking was made by Steven Jay Schneider and it did go in chronological order, so I started getting the silents first.
    Well... soon I was skipping and watching the ones I was missing and only the ones I felt curiosity about. If I don't know anything or haven't heard some titles, I need to see the covers, to see if they tell me something and make me see them...
    Sadly, I got bored quickly so I published the list for other people to see, and highlighted only the ones I had seen.
    Congratulations on your task!

  2. Cheers for your comments. Nice that someone else reads them! The task has dealt up some real gems, so I can forgive the terrible films I've had to watch. Some of it does feel like homework. Having to watch Back to the Future for the umpteenth time next is an example. There are some ominous ones I'm not looking forward to as well. Watching Salo is not something I am particularly enthusiastic about!
