Sunday 18 March 2012

29. Aliens (1986)

This time it's war indeed. In possibly one of the best film sequels of all time, James Cameron decided to go down a different route than the first film's horror story and instead, make a combat film. Packed with guns, explosions and a shed load of xenomorphs. This is a thrill a minute ride.

Ripley's escape pod is picked up floating in space. Unfortunately she's had a bit of a nap and it's 57 years later. Hypersleep does wonders for the ageing process though. After telling her story to the company, they don't believe it and she has her pilot's licence revoked and is set to live a solitary life working on loaders in the docks. That is until the company loses contact with the colony set up on LV-426 and they ask her to accompany a marine reconnaissance mission as an adviser. Cue shit hitting fan!

Once again, it's the studied characters that make the film so good. The Ripley character has a more emotional side and is given a background. Weaver even received an Oscar nomination. Paul Reiser plays a brilliant villain as the nasty, back-stabbing Carter Burke, always after a fast buck and caring about no-one but himself. Carrie Henn is brilliant as Newt. Fearful, but willing to survive and never annoying or whiny. Lance Hendrik's android, Bishop, goes to prove that they aren't all psychos!
It's the marines characters that are particularly well studied. Even the ones who don't last very long. You actually care that they died. Cameron let the good ones last a bit longer. Super tough Vasquez, Hapless Gorman, dishy man under control Hicks and the king of Soundbites(and also dishy) Hudson.

The relationship between Ripley, Newt and the lovely Hicks is a nice touch. After learning of the death of her daughter (who was in her 60s) it looks like Ripley has a second chance to start a family. I just wonder when that conversation comes up about her bing an octogenarian? Awkward!

The director's cut of the film adds an extra 17 or so, minutes to the film. We see the colony before the alien takeover amongst other things. Although it doesn't drag the film out, the colony footage doesn't really add anything to the film.

"We're on an express elevator to hell; going down!"

"That's it man, game over man, game over!"

"Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen!"
"I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks..."

How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?"

Gotta love that Hudson! ♥

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